Paul's confidence did not lie in what strength he could muster up. Paul's encouragement did not rise or fall on his own abilities or performance. No, Paul's focus and source of strength was in something very specific. Even more so, it was in a very specific person. It was in God Himself. This focus on God was not a vague generalization about God, however. It was a confidence in the work of God. Specifically, the work He demonstrated through Christ in raising Him from the dead. Being in Christ, Paul knew that the same deliverance that Jesus experienced in His resurrection is the same power that was at work on his behalf as well (Phil. 3:10). This is why, no matter what, Paul could say, "On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us yet again." (1:10)
So....back to the original question that we addressed at the beginning of this post. How can we answer the question, "Lord, are you here even in this? We can answer it with a resounding "yes". Even when our faith doesn't match our feelings, we can have the assurance that God is indeed for us because we have been radically delivered and identified with Christ. His victory is ultimately ours! There is no better confidence than that!

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